on Chukchi Sea, S of Okpilatok Bluff, 9 mi. S of Cape Lisburne, Arctic Slope.
Eskimo descriptive name reported in 1950 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to mean like a sea gull; they spelled it No-yah-lik.
Alokut Point, Cape Dyer, Cape Lewis, Cape Lisburne,
Hills:The Ears, Iviangik Mountain, Noyalik Peak, Okpilatok Bluff,
Mountains:Angayutak Mountain, Cape Lewis Mountain, Eekroat Pinnaeles, Ooguk Mountain,
Streams:Aivik Creek, Alkalugen Creek, Angolik Creek, Kapaloak Creek, Kay Creek, Kiliktakgot Creek, Kooklooktuk Creek, Niak Creek, Niak Creek, Okrurat Creek, Selin Creek, Sigrikpak Creek, Siniktaneyak Creek, Ukinyak Creek,