heads 3 mi. NW of Bancas Point trends S to its 1961 terminus, 1 mi. NE of terminus of Galiano Glacier and 28 mi. N of Yakutat, St. Elias Mts. 2.2 miles long.
Descriptive name given by Russell (1891, p. 101) because of its dark appearance, a result of the earth and stone almost completely covering it.
Hubbard Glacier Geological Area, Kwik Delta,
Bars:Bays:Beaches:Capes:Point Latouche, Bancas Point, Blizhni Point, Puget Peninsula,
Cliffs:Glaciers:Atrevida Glacier, Black Glacier, Galiano Glacier, Haenke Glacier, Henry Glacier, Latouche Glacier, Miller Glacier, Turner Glacier, Valerie Glacier,
Islands:Haenke Island, Osier Island, Strawberry Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Amphitheater Knob, Gilbert Point, Mount Hendrickson, Mount Hoorts, Terrace Point,
Rivers:Streams:Aquadulce Creek, Calahonda Creek, Esker Stream, Indian Camp Creek,