on Kenai Peninsula, between Cook Inlet and Turnagain Arm, 20 mi. SW of Anchorage, Cook Inlet Low.
Named by Captain Cook (1785, v. 2, p. 397), RN, on June 1, 1778, who displayed the flag and took possession of the river and country in His Majesty name. Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 5), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), published the name M(ys) Naseleniya, or Populated Cape, for this point. See Possession.
Fire Island Shoal, West Point Shoal,
Bays:Capes:North Point, Point Possession, Race Point, West Point,
Islands:Lakes:Angler Lake, Aspen Lake, Barbara Lake, Bedlam Lake, Bedlam Lake, Bedlam Lakes, Birch Tree Lake, Bird Lake, Cook Lake, Crooked Lake, Diamond Lake, Dipper Lake, Eider Lake, Gene Lake, Ilerum Lake, Kakoon Lake, Kenaitze Lake, Kraenberi Lake, Kuguyuk Lake, Lark Lake, Lower Tangerra Lake, Lynx Lake, McLain Lake, Moon Lake, Mull Lake, Neckshortka Lake, Norak Lake, Nuthatch Lake, Pepper Lake, Phalarope Lake, Sandpiper Lake, Shoepac Lake, Sportfish Lake, Swanson Lake, Swanson Lakes, Taiga Lake, Tangerra Lake, Tangerra Lake, Trigger Lake, Twig Lake, Two Island Lake, Vogel Lake, Warbler Lake, Wild Lake, Wilderness Lake, Wonder Lake, Woods Lake,
Rivers:Streams:Bedlam Creek, Miller Creek, Pincher Creek,