On the N coast of Saint Lawrence Island, N of Kookooligit Mountains, 4 mi. E of Savoonga, 9.6 mi NW of Singikpo Cape, it forms the E limit of Punellok Bay.
Eskimo name reported in 1932 by O. W. Geist, University of Alaska. Orth spelled the name "Kukuliak," as reported by informants at Savoonga in 1965. See Kookoolik.
Kitleekot Rocks, Savoonga Reef,
Bays:Capes:Cape Myaughee, Kookoolik Cape, Koovukseluk Point, Savoonga Point,
Cities:Cliffs:Cape Myaughee, Pinaghat Cliff,
Glaciers:Hills:Islands:Lakes:Mountains:Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Streams: