on offshore island, N point of entrance to McLean Arm, SE coast of Prince of Ales Is., Alex. Arch.
HistoryLocal descriptive name reported in 1904 by H. C. Fassett, U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (USBF).
Gardner Bay, Hidden Bay, Ingraham Bay, Johnson Cove, Kegan Cove, Kendrick Bay, Mallard Bay, McLean Arm, Nichols Bay, Short Arm Kendrick Bay, South Arm Kendrick Bay, Stone Rock Bay, West Arm Kendrick Bay,
Capes:Point Nunez, Cape Chacon, Ingraham Point, Island Point, McLean Point, Scott Point, Surf Point,
Channels:Cliffs:Hills:Islands:Bean Island, Kendrick Islands, Polk Island, Stone Rock, Stone Rock,