E point of entrance to Prudhoe Bay, on Beaufort Sea coast, 24 mi. SE of Beechey Point, Arctic Plain.
Named Point Heald by Franklin (1828, p. 159), RN, August 16, 1826; the name was erroneously printed "Herald" in the Philadelphia edition of Franklin's book. The name was misunderstood and translated by Lieutenant L. A. Zagoskin, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), appearing on his 1848 map in Cyrillic, which when transliterated back into English becomes "M(ys) Zdorovya," meaning "cape of health."
Sag Delta Number 1, Sagavanirktok River Delta,
Bays:Capes:Islands:Argo Island, Gull Island, Howe Island, Midway Islands, Reindeer Island,