Located at the N end of Jackpot Bay in W Prince William Sound, 4 km (2.5 mi) NNW of Jackpot Island.
Em'urluq is a Chenega word meaning "old water" or "where someone took a drink".
Port Nellie Juan, Blue Fiord, Chenega Cove, Deep Water Bay, Derickson Bay, East Finger Inlet, Eleshansky Cove, Em-urluq Bay, Ewan Bay, Foul Bay, Gaamaak Cove, Granite Bay, Greystone Bay, Humpback Cove, Icy Bay, Jackpot Bay, Kake Cove, Main Bay, Masked Bay, McClure Bay, Nassau Fiord, Otter Cove, Paddy Bay, Puffin Cove, Seven Fathom Hole, Shady Cove, Whale Bay,
Capes:Point Countess, Bainbridge Point, Chenega Point, Division Point, Ewan Point, Jackpot Point, Paddy Point, Panhat Point,
Channels:Bainbridge Passage, Dangerous Passage,
Dams:Glaciers:Nellie Juan Glacier, Princeton Glacier, Ultramarine Glacier,
Islands:Chenega Island, Delenia Island, Ewan Island, Flemming Island, Gage Island, Jackpot Island, Junction Island, Procession Rocks, Ship Island, Sister Rock, Verdant Island,
Lakes:Cheimoviski Lake, Eshamy Lagoon, Eshamy Lake, Ewan Lake, Falls Lake, Gunboat Lakes, Jackpot Lakes,
Mountains:Claw Peak, Dual Head, Eshamy Peak, Jackpot Peak, Saddle Peak,