on E coast of Kenai Peninsula, trends N to Port Nellie Juan, 26 mi. SE of Whittier, Chugach Mts.; 4.5 miles long.
Named in 1910 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) "for the color of the glacier at the head of the fiord."
Port Nellie Juan, Blue Fiord, Chenega Cove, Deep Water Bay, Derickson Bay, East Finger Inlet, Em-urluq Bay, Ewan Bay, Foul Bay, Gaamaak Cove, Greystone Bay, Jackpot Bay, Main Bay, McClure Bay, Nassau Fiord, Paddy Bay, Picturesque Cove, Seven Fathom Hole, Shady Cove, West Finger Inlet,
Capes:Coxcomb Point, Division Point, Ewan Point, Jackpot Point, Paddy Point,
Channels:Dams:Glaciers:Contact Glacier, Nellie Juan Glacier, Princeton Glacier, Sargent Icefield, Ultramarine Glacier,
Islands:Applegate Island, Chenega Island, Delenia Island, Ewan Island, Jackpot Island, Mink Island, Procession Rocks, Verdant Island,
Lakes:Cheimoviski Lake, Eshamy Lagoon, Eshamy Lake, Ewan Lake, Falls Lake, Lake Jack, Jackpot Lakes, Lake Shrode,
Mountains:Dual Head, Eshamy Peak, Jackpot Peak, Saddle Peak,