Information About

Gulf of Alaska

Gulf of Alaska

Quick Facts
  • Valdez-Cordova (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 2
Bars :

Bounded on the N by the coast of Alaska and on the S by a line running from the S end of Kodiak Island on the W to Dixon Entrance on the E. Incomplete record - should be at least171 maps, LATLONGs truncated in PH I by GIPSY - 9512

History of Gulf of Alaska

Name derived from the Territory of Alaska and published by Baker (1906, p. 89) who wrote, "This name has for the last two or three decades been applied to that part of the North Pacific Ocean lying approximately to the north of a line from Sitka to Kodiak."

June 20, 20112 people died boating, fishing Read More
Places Near Gulf of Alaska

Gulf of Alaska,

Gulf of Alaska Gallery

Pictures of, from, or near Gulf of Alaska.