Extends generally from Portage Slough on Yukon River up Talbiksok River, across Kulik Lake, down Johnson River and Crooked and Mud Creeks to Kuskokwim River, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
This is the closest the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers approach each other. This almos all-water portage between the two great rivers has been used since prehistoric times. Probably the first known white man to use this portage was the Russian, Glazunov, in 1834. Trail cabins were located at various distances along the portage. The airplane has reduced its importance in recent years. R. M. Sargent, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), made the first detailed map of the portage in 1919.
Arhymot Lake, Kukaklik Lake, Portage Lakes,
Streams:Routes:Paimiut Portage, Yukon-Kuskokwim Portage,