at mouth of Kashunuk River, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.
Abandoned Eskimo village first reported by E. W. Nelson, U. S. Signal Service, who visited there in December 1878. He reported 20 houses and a population of 100-200. In the 1880 Census, Petroff wrote "Kashunok" and reported a population of 125. The 1890 Census called it "Kashunahmiut" and gave a population of 232. In 1951 a U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) field report noted this place was completely abandoned but several sod huts and the ruins of a frame church still remain on a low mound just east of the village. The triangulation station Kashu, 1951 is located in the village. The adjective "Old" is now generally used locally as part of the name.
Kashunuk River, Keoklevik River, Ninglikfak River, Tutakoke River,