flows from Dritfwood Slough to Kashunuk River, 37 mi. E of Marhsall, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.
Eskimo name shown on a manuscript map of the Kashunuk River by "Father Delon" dated 1937. au Nanook Creek a3 heads in Shublik Mts., flows NW to Canning River, 7 mi. NW of Mount Copleston and 53 mi. NW of Mount Michelson, Arctic Slope. a4 693430N1461630W
Andreafsky River, Big River, Driftwood Slough, East Fork Andreafsky River, Margaret Slough,
Streams:Hills Slough, Steamboat Slough,
Streams:Hut Creek, Mankakvik Creek, Nankahkwik Creek, Takonak Creek,