flows NE to Tanana River, 7.5 mi. SE of Tanana, Nowitna Low.
Local name reported in 1952 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
K-el Chaak-et, Noochu Loghoyet,
Bars:Capes:Channels:Hills:Islands:Eightmile Island, Fish Creek Island, Mission Island, Murray Island, Sixmile Island, Sixmile Island, Station Rock, Tanana Island, Twelvemile Island,
Lakes:Donahoe Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Oscar Lake, Sixmile Lake, Twelvemile Lake,
Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Green Slough, Hay Slough, Tanana River,
Streams:Streams:Birch Creek, Coal Creek, Eightmile Slough, Jackson Creek, Mission Creek, Spicer Creek,