Information About

Squirrel River

Squirrel River

Quick Facts
  • Northwest Arctic
Nearest City:
Tributary to:
  • 30 ft (9.14 m)
Tributaries :

flows SE to Kobuk River, 28 mi. NW of Selawik, Hogatza High.

History of Squirrel River

This is a translation of the Eskimo name "Sikrikpak" for the Hoary Marmot, Marmota caligata broweri, or "Sikrik" for the Parry ground squirrel, Citellus parryii barrowensis (Rausch, 1951, p. 178,179). In 1884 Lieutenant Cantwell (in Healy, 1889, p. 55), U.S. Revenue-Cutter Service (USRCS), called it "Sheeleelicktok or squirrel" and a year later he spelled the Eskimo name "Shee-gar-rik-puk" and "Shee-lee-lie-tok" (Healy, 1887, p. 47 and map). Lieutenant Stoney (1900, map), U.S. Navy (USN), called it "Squirrel or Shu-shuk-to-ark."