Heading in Alaska 5 mi SW of Mount Fawcett, and flowing N across the international boundary to the Stikine River, Coast Mts.
Tlingit Indian name reported in 1900 by Marcus Baker, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This name was first published in 1883 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) as "Kwahteetah."
Great Glacier, Nelson Glacier,
Hot Springs:Islands:Lakes:Mountains:Berg Mountain, Black Crag, Cone Mountain, Mount Cote, Elbow Mountain, Mount Flemer, Mount Gallatin, Mount Talbot, Mount Waters,
Mountain Passes:Guerin Slough, Ketili Creek, Red Slough,
Rivers:Katete River, Ketili River, Kikahe River, Tasakili River, West Fork Katete River,