flows NE and NW 45 mi. to Kuskokwim River 31 mi. E of Aniak; Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Eskimo name derived from the word, variously "olo," "ulo" or "ulu" meaning "stone Knife," obtained in 1898 from trader, A. Lind, and spelled "Wloyukuk" by J. E. Spurr and W. S. Post, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). present spelling, locally used, was reported in 1945 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Aghaluk Creek, Bear Creek, Gold Run, Kogoyuk Creek, New York Creek, Ski Creek, Sue Creek, Veahna Creek, Victoria Creek,
Valleys:Murray Gulch, Whitewing Valley,