heads in Whitefish Lake at 60560@n, 1545900W, flows NW to Holitna River 13 mi. SE of its junction Ith Kuskokwim River, 14 mi. S of Sleetmute, Stony River Low. 165 miles long.
Present spelling of Indian name in 1914 can be attributed to R. H. Sargent, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Name obtained in 1898 "from A. Lind, a trader" was "Haliknuk," which was said to mean "sudden (unexpected)" by J. E. Spurr and W. S. Post, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Eskimo name "Agalitnak" obtained in 1942-44 by Lieutenant L. A. Zagoskin, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN).
Hoholitna River, Holitna River,
Streams:Basket Creek, Elutuli Creek, Inowak Creek, Itulilik Creek, Johnny Slough, Keefer Creek, Little Titnuk Creek, Titnuk Creek, Vreeland Creek,