Information About

Cutler River

Cutler River

Quick Facts
  • Northwest Arctic
Nearest City:
  • 1089 ft (331.93 m)

heads at 6725N, 15737W, flows NW to Noatak River 45 mi. SW of Howard Pass, Brooks Range. 45 miles long.

History of Cutler River

P. S. Smith (1913, p. 31), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), writes The Cutler (River) was called by Lieutenant (. M.) stoney (U.S. Navy (USN)) the Caribou, but this name was not published (Stoney, 1900, map) untilafter the other (Cutler) had been adopted. The name Cutler River was published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) on Chart 900 in 1890.

Places Near Cutler River

Cutler River, Imelyak River,


Kaluich Creek, Kunyanak Creek, Natmotirak Creek,