N head of Alinement Creek, 8.5 mi. N of Apoon Mtn., and 43 mi. N of Wiseman, Brooks Range
Named in 1939 by Marshall (1956, p. 162) who wrote, "Even more impressive---was the black mountain---which I had taken to be Oolah Mtn. Actually it turned out to be a different peak, which we named Oxadak, after a venerable oldster of the arctic Eskimos."
Alhamblar Mountain, Amawk Mountain, Apoon Mountain, Eekayruk Mountain, Falsoola Mountain, Harvey Mountain, Oolah Mountain, Oxadak Mountain, Snowheel Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Kinnorutin Pass, Naqsralugiaq Pass,
Streams:Blarney Creek, Eekayruk Creek, Kapoon Creek, Karillyukpuk Creek, Kinnorutin Creek,