In Coast Mts., on Alaska-Canada boundary, 5 mi. NW of Snow Top and 13 mi. SE of Skagway.
Named jointly by United States and Canada for Sir Charles Bagot, 1781 -1843, British Ambassador to Russia and Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg in 1822 in negotiations regarding the Alaska boundary. He was British Minister to the United States, 1815-20 and negotiated the Rush-Bagot Covention in 1817 limiting armaments on the Great Lakes. He served as Governor General of Canada from 1841 to 1843.
Denver Glacier, Laughton Glacier, South Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Mount Bagot, Boundary Peak 108, Boundary Peak 109, Boundary Peak 111, Mount Hefty, Porcupine Hill, Snow Top, Twin Dewey Peaks,
Peaks:Rage Against the Machine, Termination Peak, The Trickster, Twin, Unholy Peak,
Mountain Ranges:Streams:Waterfalls: