Information About

Franklin Mountains

Franklin Mountains

Quick Facts
  • North Slope
Nearest City:
  • 5190 ft (1581.91 m)

group of mountains, bounded on the south, on the west by Canning River, on north by Ikiakpuk Valley and Lake Schrader, on east by Hulahula River, in Brooks Range, northeast of the Philip Smith Mountains. 30 miles wide.

History of Franklin Mountains

On July 20, 1837, Thomas Simpson (1843, p. 125) wrote: "The portion at the Rocky Mountains (Brooks Range) visible from the coast does not terminate, as conjectured by Sir John Franklin, with the Romanzof chain. After a brief interval, another chain commences, less lofty perhaps, but equally picturesque; which in honor of the distinguished officer whose discoveries we were following up, we named the Franklin Range." (AK-T1)

Franklin Mountains Gallery

Pictures of, from, or near Franklin Mountains.

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Almost Overlooked - Day 6

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