on right bank of Togiak River, 1 mi. above mouth of Tshayagaguk River and 66 mi. NE of Goodnews, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Eskimo name of a camp shown with two structures labelled "caches" on a fieldsheet by W. S. Post, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The name means "Tshayagak people." The place is no longer occupied.
Pungokepuk Lake, Togiak Lake, West Togiak Lake,
Locales:Rivers:Kemuk River, Narogurum River, Ongivinuk River, Tshayagaguk River,
Streams:Bruin Creek, Jondik Creek, Kipnuktuli Creek, No Lake Creek, Truman Creek, West Creek,