62 ° 17' 31.531" N,
146 ° 45' 20.167" W
0.8 mi (1.29 km)
2454 ft (747.98 m)
The closest way to drive to Tabert Lake is to take the Glenn Highway and turn north on to Lake Louise Road (about 35mins west of Glennallen). From the end of the road you can hike west roughly 5 miles towards to the lake.
Appears possible to water navigate from Little Lake Louise to Tabert Lake.
2.6 mi. WSW of Little Lake Louise and 40 mi. WNW of Glennallen; Copper River Basin.
Historylocal name reported in 1959 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Bear Lake, Blue Lake, Bobs Lake, Connor Lake, Cottonwood Lake, Lake Dinty, Grayling Lake, John Lake, Judd Lake, Lily Lake, Little Lake Louise, Loon Lake, Lake Louise, Marie Lake, Marsh Lake, Maxson Lake, Mohler Lake, Moore Lake, Mud Lake, Nicholson Lake, Nye Lake, Old Man Lake, Susitna Lake, Tabert Lake, Tawawe Lake, Tyone Lake, V Lake,
Parks:Lake Louise State Recreation Area,