At head of Situk River, 2.7 mi. E of Lake Redfield and 13 mi. NE of Yakutat, Malaspina Coastal Plain.
Local name reported by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1961. The lake was originally named Miller Lake by Tarr (1906, p. 145), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), for Ensign Cyrus R. Miller, U.S. Navy (USN), who accompanied Lieutenant Commander J. F. Moser in 1901, and who first discovered and explored the lake.
Chicago Harbor, Eleanor Cove, Humpback Cove, Redfield Cove, Russell Fiord, Seal Bay, Shelter Cove,
Beaches:Capes:Cape Enchantment, Cape Stoss, Kooisk Point, Puget Peninsula,
Glaciers:Hendrickson Glacier, Rasmuson Glacier,
Islands:Knight Island, Neeg Island, Tla-xagh Island,
Lakes:Mountain Lake, Lake Redfield, Situk Lake,
Mountains:Mount Hendrickson, Mount Hoorts, Mount Mallott, Mount Rasmuson, Mount Ruhamah, South Mountain, Mount Tebenkof, Mount Unana,
Mountain Passes:Johnsons Slough, Middle Slough,
Rivers:Ahrnklin River, Antlen River, Lost River, Old Situk River, Situk River, West Fork Situk River,
Streams:Beasley Creek, Humpback Creek, Kunayosh Creek, Onklat Creek, Tawah Creek,
Routes:Mountain Lake Trail Yakutat, Situk Lake Trail, Situk River Trail,