2.6 mi. W of Seemalik Butte, 45 mi. NW of Cape Mendenhall, Nunivak I.
Eskimo name reported in 1942 by the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF).
Barabaras, Cape Mohican, Cape Mohigan, Datheekook Point, Iloodak Point,
Cliffs:Binaksbak Bluff, Koweelik Bluff,
Hills:Ingri Butte, Ingriruk Hill, Kimiksthek Hill, Seemalik Butte,
Islands:Lakes:Dahloongamiut Lagoon, Dooksook Lagoon, Lukluksukwik Lake, Unroojithok Lake,
Rivers:Ahlik River, Dahloongamiut River, Dooksook River, Kiyakyaliksamiut River,