on coast of Beaufort Sea, the W island of the Jones Islands, Arctic Plain.
In 1889 the revenue cutter U.S.S. Thetis under command of Captain Charles H. Stockton, U.S. Navy (USN), "skirted along some long, low islands, which stretched between the mouth of the Colville and Return Reef. These islands, * * * (he) designated the Thetis Islands" (Leffingwell, 1919, p. 100), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Because these islands had previously been discovered and named "Jones Islands" by Dease and Simpson in 1837, Leffingwell applied the name "Thetis" to the unnamed western island of this chain of barrier islands (p. 91). Leffingwell (p. 100) reports the Eskimo name "Amaudliktok," meaning perhaps "Pacific eider," but spells it "Amandliktok" on his map. He further reports the whalers call this "West Thetis Island."