3 mi. E of Little Kiska I. and 7.5 mi. E of South Head on Kiska I., Aleutian Islands.
Aleut name reported by Captain Lutke (1836, p. 327), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), as "Tannadakh Ile" and published by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 29) as "O(strov) Tanadakh" or "Tanadakh Island." According to R. H. Geoghegan the name means "eternal ground or burial place" from Tanadakuq;-literal meaning is "he dies or he goes to his eternal ground."
Amos Cove, Andy Cove, Beaver Inlet, Cockatoo Bight, Lion Cove, Model Cove, Reynard Cove, Seagull Cove, Sredni Bight, Tiger Cove,
Beaches:Little Kiska Beach, Parrot Beach,
Capes:Hammer Point, Harpoon Point, North Head, Orient Point, Sirius Point, Sredni Point, Yug Point,
Channels:McArthur Pass, North Pass, Sea Lion Pass, Segula Pass, South Pass, Tanadak Pass,
Cliffs:Hills:Bear Hill, Hood Hill, Howard Hill, Menu Hill, Merchandise Peaks, Middle Hill, Militia Hill, Mimosa Hill, Model Hill, Natural Hill, Nip Hill, Nude Hill, Nugget Hill, Reveille Hill, Revolt Hill, Romantic Hill, Rose Hill, Saints Hill, Sniper Hill, Sugar Hill,
Islands:Haycock Rock, Little Kiska Island, Northeast Rocks, Tanadak Island, Twin Rocks,
Lakes:East Kiska Lake, Maiden Lake, Monsoon Lake, Monsoono Lake, Neck Lake, New Lakes, Rag Lake, Rake Lake, Rapid Lake, Ring Lake, Rocket Lake, Rookie Lake, Round Lake,
Mountains:Kiska Volcano, Maiden Mountain, Ranger Hill,
Ridges:Streams:Fish Creek, Milton Creek, Model Creek, Nazi Creek, Raft Creek, Rapid Creek, Rich Creek, Salt Creek, Sugar Creek, X Creek, X-Ray Creek, X-Wave Creek,