2 or 3 mi. E of Amlia I., Aleutian Islands.
Named for the pilot, Klochkov, of the Russian American Company ship Chirikof, who discovered the rock in 1818 though Ingenstrem, in 1830, denied its existence. The Aleuts called it "Siuvich," from the Russian "Sivuch," meaning "sea lion" G. Davidson's copy of Lieutenant G. A. Sarichev's atlas contains a manuscript note of a "rock awash." The rock is possibly part of the Agligadak Reefs.
Amlagim Qigaagix Angtaa, Amligim-kangayuu,
Bars:Bays:Agugnadigax, Agulganunang, Akuudgix, Chngadigax, Chugumanax, Haniidax, Qaluga,
Capes:Agaamaga, Agamsax, Ayagas Hidaluu, Cape Agligadak, Naagix Usax, Qigaagix Usax,