crescent shaped, between the entrances to Amber and Aniakchak Bays, 6.5 mi. WSW of Cape Kunmik, near S shore of Alaska Penin, Aleutian Range. i mile long.
Local name published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in the 1947 Alaska Coast Pilot (v. 2, p. 281).
Amber Bay, Aniakchak Bay, Yantarni Bay,
Capes:Cape Ayutka, Cape Kumlik, Cape Kunmik, Elephant Head Point,
Cliffs:Islands:Eagle Island, Garden Island, Kumlik Island, Sutwik Island,
Mountains:Rivers:Streams:Home Creek, Main Creek, Misery Creek, Mountain Creek, North Fork Yantarni Creek, Northeast Creek, West Creek, Wolverine Creek, Yantarni Creek,