in Delphin Bay, Perenosa Bay, on N coast of Afognak I., N of Kodiak I. 0.6 mile long.
See Delphin Bay.
Port William, Andreon Bay, Big Bay, Big Waterfall Bay, Bluefox Bay, Daylight Harbor, Delphin Bay, Discoverer Bay, Esther Lagoon, Kazakof Bay, Kitoi Bay, Port Lawrence, Little Waterfall Bay, Mary Anderson Bay, Neketa Bay, Pauls Bay, Perenosa Bay, Phoenix Bay, Pinnacle Rock, Redfox Bay, Shuyak Harbor,
Capes:Cape Current, Cape Newland, Delphin Point, Eagle Cape, Lighthouse Point, Posliedni Point, Shields Point, Tetrakof Point,
Channels:Big Fort Channel, Cape Current Narrows, Shuyak Strait,
Dams:Big Kitoi Dam, Port William Dam,
Islands:Afognak Island, Afognak Island, Bear Island, Big Fort Island, Delphin Island, Discoverer Island, Ermine Island, Green Island, Hogg Island, Little Fort Island, Midarm Island, Seal Islands, Shuyak Island,
Lakes:Big Kitoi Lake, Big Kitoi Lake, Laura Lake, Little Kitoi Lake, Pauls Lake, Portage Lake,
Mountains:Duck Mountain, Mount Martin, Paramanof Mountain, Red Peak,