27 mi. N of Afognak, W on coast of Afognak I., Kodiak I. 6.5 miles long.
Transliteration by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in 1868 of "O(strov) Ban," possibly from the word "banya" meaning "bathouse", published by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22). The Russian American Company in 1849 called this island "bok" meaning "side" or "flank."
Bluefox Bay, Devil Inlet, Devils Bay, Esther Lagoon, Foul Bay, Malina Bay, Malka Bay, Muskomee Bay, Paramanof Bay, Pinnacle Rock,
Capes:Black Cape, Cape Newland, Cape Paramanof, Lighthouse Point,
Islands:Alligator Island, Ban Island, Bear Island, Grassy Island, Green Island, Hogg Island, Rocky Island, Teck Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Afognak Mountain, Cloud Peak, Devilpaw Mountain, Dome Peak, Hatchery Peak, Paramanof Mountain, Red Peak,