60 ° 42' 0.288" N,
144 ° 47' 52.397" W
Valdez-Cordova (CA)
4 mi (6.44 km)
2408 ft (733.96 m)
4 miles long. Trends E to its terminus 1 mi. NW of Miles Lake, 35 mi. N of Katalla, Chugach Mts.
HistoryNamed by Lawrence Martin in 1910 presumably for Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, founded 1846.
Allen Glacier, Childs Glacier, Goodwin Glacier, Grinnell Glacier, Heney Glacier, McCune Glacier, Shiels Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Goat Mountain, Mount O-Neel, Mount Williams,
Streams:Abercrombie Creek, Chinaman Slough, Nels Miller Slough,