population 217, on a spit between Port Clarence and Grantley Harbor, 55 mi. SE of Cape Prince of Wales, Seward Peninsula High.
In 1827 Captain Beechey (1831, p. 543), Royal Navy (RN), reported that at this place "called Nooke by the natives, there were some Esquimaux fishermen * * *. They appeared to have established themselves upon this point for the purpose of catching and drying fish." This location was used in the winter of 1866-67 as quarters by Captain Daniel B. Libby's section of the Western Union Telegraph Expedition, and was known as "Libbysville" or "Libby Station." In 1867 "The Esquimaux," a monthly newspaper, which was published there, noted (July 2, p. 38), "Nook, the spot which divided Grantley Harbor from Port Clarence." In the 1880 Census, Petroff (1884, p. 11) listed a "Nook" at Cape Douglas with a population of 36 Eskimo. It is doubtful that any permanent settlement was established here before 1900, when the village of Teller "was founded * * * after the Bluestone placers, 15 miles to the south, were discovered. A town named "Bering, * * * 5 miles south of Teller, was the first settlement, but the newer town
Cape Riley, Fourmile Point, Sixmile Point,
Cities:Hills:Mountains:Deese Creek Dome, Eva Mountain, Mukacharni Mountain, Red Mountain, Red Mountains,
Rivers:Streams:Alder Creek, Arctic Creek, Bay Creek, Bering Creek, Bering Creek, Bull Pup Creek, Coyote Creek, Deerhorn Creek, Dese Creek, Dewey Creek, Eagle Creek, Elizabeth Creek, Fox Creek, Frazier Creek, Gold Run, Gold Standard Creek, Gold Standard Creek, Harris Creek, Illinois Creek, Iron Creek, June Creek, Little Windy Creek, Lombard Creek, Lucky Ditch Creek, Lucky Strike Creek, McDame Creek, Moonlight Creek, Mountain Creek, Nickle Creek, Peterboro Creek, Potter Pup Creek, Rabbit Creek, Reindeer Creek, Ring Creek, Ruby Creek, Sargent Creek, Shelman Creek, Short Creek, Skookum Creek, Slate Creek, Slate Creek, Slate Creek, Soda Creek, Star Creek, Sulven Creek, Sunset Creek, Walker Creek, Whitestone Creek, Whittren Creek, Wild Goose Creek, Willow Creek, Windy Creek, Winter Creek, Yellowstone Creek,