Information About

Seward Peninsula

Seward Peninsula

  • Nome (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 125 ft (38.1 m)

Incomplete record - should be at least 98 maps, LATLONGs truncated in PH I by GIPSY - 9512. Extends W from line between heads of Eschscholtz Bay and Norton Bay; bounded on S by Norton Sound, on N by Chukchi Sea, and W by Bering Strait.

History of Seward Peninsula

About 1898 Governor John Green Brady suggested the peninsula be named in compliment to William Henry Seward, 1801-72. See Seward. Dall (1870, p. 268) wrote of this peninsula: "it is proposed to call the (it) Kavia k Peninsula from the native name of Kavi-iak and the Kaviak Inniut who inhabit it." The names "Sumner Peninsula" and "Nome Peninsula" were published in 1900, but were not used subsequently.