on coast of Beaufort Sea, 8 mi. E of Barter I., between Jago and Kaktovik Lagoons, Arctic Plain.
HistoryOn August 4, 1826, Sir John Franklin (1828, p. 146), applied the name Point Manning to the E point of an island, which now is, by local usage, called "Barter I." John Simpson's 1853 native map seems to apply the Eskimo name Nu-wa-ak Point (the place of barter); however, Leffingwell (1919, p. 94) applies the similar Eskimo name Nuwuak to Collinson Point, although these two names may be of entirely separate origins. Leffingwell is probably responsible for the present application of the name "Manning Point."
Bernard Harbor, Jago Lagoon, Kaktovik Lagoon, Pipsuk Bight,