N point of entrance to Klinkwan Cove, on SW coast of Prince of Wales I., Alex. Arch.
Haida Indian name recorded in 1901 by J. R. Swanton, Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE).
Boat Rocks, Egg Rock, Guide Rocks,
Bars:Bays:Biscuit Lagoon, Brownson Bay, Clam Cove, Cordova Bay, Dickman Bay, Frederick Cove, Hessa Inlet, Hunter Bay, Kassa Inlet, Keete Inlet, Kegan Cove, Klakas Inlet, Klinkwan Cove, Little Brownson Bay, Max Cove, Minnie Bay, Minnie Cutoff, Ruth Bay, The Saitchuck, South Arm Moira Sound, Tah Bay, West Arm Moira Sound, West Arm Moira Sound, Winter Bay,
Capes:Point Marsh, Davidson Point, Far Point, Grave Point, Gusdagane Point, Kassa Point, Keete Point, Leading Point, Mexico Point, Nutkwa Point, Shipwreck Point, Surf Point, Tum Point, Whirlpool Point,
Channels:Buschmann Pass, Egg Passage, Eureka Channel, Hessa Narrows, Kelp Passage, Little Pass, The Narrows, Rocky Pass, Ruth Cutoff, Ship Island Passage, Thompson Passage,
Hills:Islands:Anchor Island, Barbara Rock, Barrier Islands, Black Rock, Center Island, Dewey Rocks, Double Island, Douglass Island, Grass Peak, Grass Rock, The Haystack, Hessa Island, Kassa Island, Klakas Island, Middle Island, Poe Island, Rhea Rocks, Round Island, Round Islands, Ruth Island, Seagull Island, Ship Island, Ship Islands, Tah Island, Turn Island, Wallace Rock, White Rocks,
Lakes:Lake Luelia, Aiken Lake, Hessa Lake, Kegan Lake, Klakas Lake, Kugel Lake, Myrtle Lake, Niblack Lake, Nichols Lake,
Mountains:Bokan Mountain, Nichols Mountain,
Streams:Kegan Creek, Kugel Creek, Perkins Creek,