Incomplete record. On N coast of Alaska Peninsula, N point of entrance to Naknek River, W of Naknek, Bristol Bay Low.
Named in 1828 by Captain M. N. Staniukovich of the corvette Moller, probably after nearby Russian Fort Suvorof. This "Russian family name was also spelled Souvoroff, Suvoroff, etc." The Moller, one of Captain F. P. Lutke's ships, ended its exploration of the Alaska Peninsula at this point.
Cape Suwarof, Cape Suworof, Coffee Point, Graveyard Point, Morakas Point, Pederson Point, Telephone Point, Telephone Point,
Channels:Albert Channel, Coffee Creek Channel, Gravel Spit Anchorage,
Flats:Hills:Rivers:Streams:Coffee Creek, Copenhagen Creek, Duck Creek, Graveyard Creek, Johnson Hill Creek, King Salmon Creek, Packers Creek, Squaw Creek,