Information About

Cape Saint Hermogenes

Quick Facts

Open in The Map Cape Saint Hermogenes on The Map


58 ° 15' 2.002" N,
151 ° 47' 29" W


Kodiak Island

Nearest City


Cape Saint Hermogenes in Detail.


on NE coast of Marmot I., N of Kodiak I.


Named by Captain Cook (1785, v. 2, p. 383), RN, on May 24, 1778 because he thought this was the same feature previously named by Vitus Bering. Cook says "and by what I can gather from the account of Beering's (sic) voyage, and the chart that accompanies it in the English edition, I conclude, that it must be what he called Cape St. Hermogenes * * *." Wagner (1937, p. 406) says "a name given by * * * Bering July 26, 1741, to a place concerining the location of which there has been much discussion * * *. This was undoubtedly the north point of Marmot Island (Cook's location) * * *although it is now, I believe, erroneously applied to the eastern point of the island * * *." The name was published by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), as "M(ys) Germogena" or "Cape Germogena."

Places Near Cape Saint Hermogenes

Tidal Basin,


Cape Saint Hermogenes, Marmot Cape, Tonki Cape, Tonki Cape Peninsula,


Marmot Strait,


Marmot Island, Sealion Rocks,


Owen Mountain,