in Bering Sea between Kuskokwim and Bristol Bays, 40 mi. W of Hagemeister I., Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Named July 16, 1778, by Lieutenant Williamson, RN, when he was sent ashore by Captain James Cook, RN, for reconnaissance reasons. He "landed on the point, and, having climbed the highest hill * * * took possession of the country in h is Majesty's name, and left on the hill a bottle, in which was described, on a piece of paper, the names of the ships, and the date of discovery" (Cook, 1785 , v. 2, p. 432). Capt Lutke (1836, p. 252-6), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), said that "Cap Newnham" is called "Black by the natives on account of its appearance."