Information About

Cape Muzon

Cape Muzon

Quick Facts
  • Prince of Wales-Hyder (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 791 ft (241.1 m)

SE tip of Dall I., Alex. Arch.

History of Cape Muzon

Baker (1906, p. 450) says "* * * It is highly probable that this is Cabo de Munoz or Munoz Goosens or Munoz Gorens of Don Jacinto Caamano, in 1792, and that (G.) Vancouver, in copying from Caamano, transposed two letters, making "Muzon." In this form it has come into general use and is well established * * *." In 1787 this point was called "Cape pitt" by Captain George Dixon, Royal Navy (RN), and "Cape Irving" by Captain William Douglas, RN. The native name was published in Russian as "M(ys) Kaygany (Muzon)," "Cape Kaygany (Muzon)," by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 9).