on W coast of Nuka I., 34 mi. SE of Seldovia, Chugach Mts.
HistoryNamed by a U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) field party "for the launch Westdahl used in making surveys in this area."
Beauty Bay, Berger Bay, Home Cove, Mikes Bay, Shelter Cove, Tonsina Bay, West Arm Nuka Bay, Westdahl Cove, Yalik Bay,
Capes:Cape Horn, Front Point, Gore Point, Hardover Point, Moss Point, Nuka Point, Petrof Point, Yalik Point,
Channels:Glaciers:Petrof Glacier, Wosnesenski Glacier, Yalik Glacier,
Islands:Arch Rock, Beautiful Isle, Berger Island, Division Island, Long Island, Nuka Island, Nuka Rock, Pinnacle Rock,