on E coast of Alaska Peninsula, 37 mi. NW of Karluk; Aleutian Range
name published by Captain Lutke (1836, p. 276), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), as "Pouale" and spelled without the "o" by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in 1943. was called "Bukh(t) Studenaya" meaning "Cold Bay" by the Russian Hydrographic Dept. in 1847 "on account of the strong cold winds drawing through a deep ravine from Becharof Lake."
Cape Aklek, Cape Unalishagvak,
Rivers:Streams:Albert Creek, Beaver Creek, Big Alinchak Creek, Dry Creek, Helen Creek, Katie Creek, Katrine Creek, Little Alinchak Creek, Margaret Creek, Moose Creek, Oil Creek, Portage Creek, Teresa Creek, Trail Creek,