Information About

Hotham Inlet

Hotham Inlet

Quick Facts
  • Northwest Arctic
Nearest City:

6 mi. wide, on west coast of Alaska, bounded on SW by Baldwin Peninsula, Kotzebue-Kobuk Low. 50 miles long.

History of Hotham Inlet

Named in 1826 by Captain Beechey (1831, p. 250), Royal Navy (RN), who wrote "we were surprised to find ourselves oppososit a deep inlet which had escaped the observation of Captain Kotzebue. I names it Hotham Inlet, in compliment to the Hon. Sir Henry Hotham, K.C.B., one of the lords of the Admiralty." Sir Henry Hotham "was concerned with the interruption of Napoleon after the battle of Waterloo ***"; (Stuck, 1920, p77). Archdeacon Stuck gave the local name as "Kobuk Lake" (Stuck, Kobuk p. 75)

Places Near Hotham Inlet

Hotham Inlet,


Nimiuk Point,


Lewis Rich Channel, Melvin Channel, Olikatuk Channel, Riley Channel,