on coast of Bering Sea, 22 mi. S of village of Scammon Bay, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. 11 miles wide.
HistoryNamed by Nelson (1882, v. 4, p. 666), U.S. Signal Service, in December 1878, for Captain Calvin Leighton Hooper, U.S. Revenue-Cutter Service (USRCS), who did extensive investigations in the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean. The Eskimo name for this bay is "Kan-ir-thluk" according to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in 1951.
Keoklevik River, Kokechik River, Kolomak River, Lithkealik River, Ninglikfak River,
Streams:Issortulik Slough, Napareayak Slough, Painorouyun Slough,