Winter Mountain Goat Photography Guided Tour

Quick Facts
Book This Tour
Nearest City:
  • Valdez
  • Mid Feb - Mid Mar
Minimum Age:
  • 13 yrs
  • 4 Days +
  • Helicopter transport,
  • Glacier Lookout Lodging,
  • Mountaineering Boots,
  • Avalanche kits,
Recommended You Bring:
  • Minimum 400mm lens,
  • Quality winter apparel,
About this tour

The winter mountain goat photography tour is intended for those who want unique photos of mountain goats in the middle of winter in the high mountains where photographing goats often entails a lot of work in harsh conditions.

This tour includes helicopter transport to and from Glacier Lookout, with three nights stay. Keep warm inside the lookout and enjoy the mountain views. Or just watch mountain goats from inside the lookout if that's all you want to do. While it is typical to observe mountain goats from inside the lookout, they are wild and free to roam as they choose and is not 100% guaranteed.

If you wish to get out and travel the mountain you need to be in good physical condition and familiar with traveling in the mountains. Your guide will assist you around the mountains to observe goats, to the extent they feel you are able without undue risk. Some of the terrain between the lookout and the goats can be steep. If you listen to your guide, it's not a concern of falling, just the physical exertion required to get back to the lookout. Ascending 300ft with areas of snow that can be over waist deep.

Because this is winter when calorie conservation is vital for the mountain goats, they will be given a wide birth, and all efforts will be taken to not distress them. We suggest a minimum of a 400mm lens.

This tour has a base cost of $2,350 for the first person and $1,200 each additional person. Glacier Lookout can comfortably sleep 4 adults.

Unless otherwise noted in photo caption, all photos were taken within 100ft of Glacier Lookout.