Information About

Steller Sea Lion

SpeciesSteller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus)

  • Eumetopias jubatus
  • apakcuk
  • taan
Viewing Scale:
  • Chances of seeing Steller Sea Lion in Alaska
About Steller Sea Lion

Predators of Steller Sea Lion

Orca, Bigg's Killer Whale

Steller Sea Lion Habitat & Range
Habitat of Steller Sea Lion in Alaska

In Alaska Steller sea lion are found throughout coastal water south of the Chukchi Sea.

The best way to view sea lions is to travel to a haul-out, or follow large schools of spawning fish.

Sometime within the first few weeks of May groups of up to a few hundred Stellar Sea Lions gather near Haines to chase eulachon up the Chilkat or Chilkoot inlet.

Steller Sea Lion Gallery