Information About

Chirikof Island

Chirikof Island

Quick Facts
  • Kodiak Island
Nearest City:
  • 597 ft (181.97 m)

in Pacific Ocean, 100 mi. SW of Kodiak I. 11 miles long.

History of Chirikof Island

Name published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in 1868. Baker (1906, p. 179n80): "The island appears to be the Tumannoi (foggy) Island of (Vitus) Bering, 1741." Captain James Cook (1785, v. 2, p. 410), Royal Navy (RN), in 1778: "And it is distinguished in our chart by the name of Foggy Island; having reason to believe, from its situation, that it is the same which had the name given to it by Beering." Captain Vancouver (1798, v. 3, p. 87), RN: "I have in honor of Beering's companion (Captain Alexie Chirikov) called this island Tscherikow's Island." The native name "Ukamok" was published by Von Langsdorff (1814, v. 2, p. 54). Captain Sarichev (1826, map 3) and Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22) published the name "O(strov) Ukamok Ili Chirikov", (Ukamok or Chirikov Island). See Keithahn (1962, p. 16). This may be the island called "Isla Infante" by Martinez on July 5, 1788 (Wagner, 1937, p. 463).

Found on the following Topo Maps
Places Near Chirikof Island

Nagai Rocks, Round Rock,


Southwest Anchorage,


South Cape, West Point,


Chirikof Island,