Information About

Topkok Head

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64 ° 33' 15.001" N,
163 ° 58' 59.999" W


Nome (CA)

Nearest City

White Mountain


486 ft (148.13 m)

Topkok Head in Detail.


on N coast of Norton Sound, 14 mi. E of Solomon, Seward Peninsula high


Local name reported in 1900 by Barnard (in brooks, 1901, pl. 17), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) published "Cape Topkok" in 1900. The name is derived from the village reported as "Tupka-ak" by Petroff in the 10th Census in 1880. This appears to be the feature reported in 1842-44 as "M(ys) Utesistyy," meaning "cliffy cape," by Lieutenant L. A. Zagoskin, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), and shown as "M(ys) Utes" by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 2), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN).