Information About

Cape Trinity

Quick Facts

Open in The Map Cape Trinity on The Map


56 ° 44' 51" N,
154 ° 8' 47" W


Kodiak Island

Nearest City


Cape Trinity in Detail.


on SW coast of Kodiak I., at S tip of Aliulik Peninsula, Kodiak I.


Name derived from Trinity Islands, given by Captain Cook (1785, v. 2, p. 407-08), Royal Navy (RN), in 1778. He wrote "the Westernmost (sic) part of the continent now in sight, being a low point facing Trinity Island, and which we called Cape Trinity. This feature was called "M(ys) Yuzhnoy," (South Cape), by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22); U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) gave "Aliulik" as the native name for this feature in 1934.