Information About

Brabazon Range

Brabazon Range

Quick Facts
  • Yakutat
Nearest City:
  • 5046 ft (1538.02 m)

trends from Alsek River at Gateway Knob NW to Harlequin Lake, 44 mi. SE of Yakutat, St. Elias Mts. 28 miles long.

History of Brabazon Range

Named in 1906 by Blackwelder (1907, p. 415), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), for A. J. Brabazon of the Canadian section of the International Boundary Commission (IBC) who made a photographic survey of the Yakutat Bay region in 1895, and, with the help of those pictures, compiled the first topographic map of this area.

Brabazon Range Gallery

Pictures of, from, or near Brabazon Range.